As the political situation had calmed, the 10th Caring Convention took place in Kyiv, Ukraine from September, 27th to 29th 2020. It was hosted by Beetroot. The topic was “Ukraine, a country of change”.
Throughout the event the participants enjoyed presentations on the history of Ukraine by historian Mariia Yurchak, “A gap between the city and the village” by Victor Artemenko, the current political and socioeconomic situation of Ukraine by Natia Jikia and a personal story on what it is like to work in the financial sector in Ukraine by Kristian Andersson.
Many local players took part in the event such as Urban Space 500, a group of 500 people who gather and invest 1,000 USD per person to create a social restaurant. The profit from their activities goes to city projects for the development of Kyiv.
Participants also got the chance to hear the inspiring stories of both Andreas Flodström, ESTIEM Alumni and founder of the social enterprise Beetroot and Joris Hoogerdijk, one of the founders of the IEM Caring Foundation.
Additionally, Sweden’s new Ambassador to Ukraine, paid a visit and the participants had the chance to have a Q&A session with Sviatoslav Yurash, the youngest member of the Ukranian parliament. He, together with other speakers, took part in the latest European Talk Show.
At the closing and feedback session the participants shared their insights and impressions of the Convention and had the chance to present and discuss ideas and projects they are working on, so that all participants got informed what is alive in the IEM Caring Movement.